Board Review

Pediatrics (ABP)

As a pediatrician seeking to provide outstanding patient care, there’s so much you need to learn, know, and remember. More important still, you need to be certain of what you truly know and where your knowledge is less complete. That’s why we created AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review — the most engaging and efficient method to grow and maintain your clinical knowledge, prepare for board exams, and improve your practice of pediatrics medicine.

Choose the perfect package for your board prep

All packages include access to the library, Qbank, study plans, Anki integration, and clinical tools for the duration of the membership.

1-month access


(Billed yearly)

3-month access


(Billed yearly)

12-month access


(Billed yearly)

See more pricing options here.

Still need time to think? Click here for our 5-day free trial.

Looking for Institutional Pricing?

We collaborate with residency programs to provide tailored bulk pricing on our comprehensive medical tools for clinical and exam success. Let us help you create a customized package that aligns with your residents’ needs and institutional objectives.

Relevant, Gold-Standard Content Backed by Experts

We offer you an innovative adaptive learning solution with peer-reviewed content you can count on. The AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review question bank and practice exams reflect the ABP content outline and the real-world challenges you face in your pediatrics practice.

A Learning Program That Adapts to Your Study Needs

How do you know what you know — and what you don’t know? AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review uses adaptive learning technology to quickly assess the subjects you know well while identifying the areas where you need reinforcement. Using this information, the program can provide more review in your weak areas and fewer questions in areas you’ve already mastered. This intelligent system also offers an opportunity for a learning “Refresh” to help prevent memory decay. Adaptive learning results in a more efficient use of your time, and a more effective mode of study.

Pediatrics Board Review offers you the most accurate and relevant topics, questions, and resources:

  • Created and rigorously reviewed by a panel of pediatricians from leading medical centers, as well as dozens of subspecialty expert reviewers.
  • Evidence-based, with links to further reading from many sources, including guidelines, review articles, cases, and original research.
  • Carefully reviewed and edited by pediatricians who are not only educators but active clinicians with firsthand knowledge of the day-to-day challenges of pediatric medicine.

Conveniently Earn MOC Points & CME Credits While You Learn

You can earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ with easy reporting by date that lets you keep track of what you’ve earned when. With AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Medicine Board Review, you can also earn ABP MOC points, and if you provide your ABP number and DOB, we’ll automatically transmit your MOC points as you earn them. No paperwork. No hassle. More details here.

Get the Feedback You Need to Continuously Improve

Pediatrics Board Review tracks and reports your progress and performance so that you’ll be able to:

  • Set your goals for study, along with timelines for achieving specific milestones.
  • Find out how you’re performing and — if you’re working toward a clear goal — whether you’re on schedule to succeed.
  • Identify which areas you’re finding most challenging, as well as which topics within each specialty need more focus.
  • Define the learning objectives you need to work on.
  • Determine your level of confidence with the information.

And because the reports display your results by discipline, decision focus, patient age, location, and urgency of care, you’ll be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses more accurately. This means you can approach your exam and clinical duties with true confidence.

Take Practice Exams to Build Your Confidence

AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review offers two practice exams — another way to measure your performance and help you prepare for your exam. The practice test questions are designed to align with ABP exam questions and to present common, relevant, and challenging clinical scenarios.

Here’s how NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review practice exams prepare you for your actual exam:

  • Each exam offers 40 questions that mirrors the format of the boards, so you’ll be ready for the real thing.
  • A pause feature allows you to step away if you need a break or need to turn your attention elsewhere.
  • Once you complete the exam you will see:
  • How you performed in each focus area
  • How your performance compared with others
  • Key learning points
  • Detailed feedback and citations
  • You can use the practice exams at any point in your ABP exam preparation, depending on how you work best — it’s up to you!
  • Use the exam before you begin preparing, to evaluate and direct where you want to start learning.
  • Try the practice exam after initial studying, to assess yourself partway through the learning.
  • Use the practice exam at the end of your preparation, to get your timing down the week before your boards.
  • Compare your results with those of your peers.

Learn on Your Schedule — Whenever & Wherever You Like

AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review does more than adapt to your performance and learning needs — it adapts to your lifestyle. The format of bite-size sections of questions, as opposed to large chapters and reviews, allows you to fit board review in anytime — even when you only have a moment.

With our dedicated mobile apps, AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review also allows you to study whenever and wherever you want, whether you’re on the go or just taking advantage of a quick minute between patients.

Join AMBOSS today and get access to NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review